About the project

Project name: Increasing the Quality of Vocational Education with the Samples of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Different Fields (EU2AI). 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000034626

Description: Оur project focuses on the application of a gamification concept to artificial intelligence training for distance learning in order to improve the overall student characteristic for motivation and participation in online courses. An assessment system will be designed to follow the student’s progress and students will be guided with the necessary feedback.

For these reasons, our project goal is:

•To train students with the qualifications that the workforce is looking for;

•Developing the proficiency of teachers and students in the field of AI;

•Cooperating between Higher Education, VET and SMEs;

•Development of digital skills and distance education at the education and training level;

•To promote continuing vocational education and training with easy access to content through our distance learning platform;

•To ensure that the skills and abilities of current students are compatible with the basic skills and abilities in the labor market;

• Ensuring and encouraging cooperation in the field of Vocational Education and Higher Education;

•To train qualified manpower that can lead research in the field of AI at vocational school, associate degree and undergraduate level and to encourage the European digital industry level;

•Supporting strong partnerships between business and educational institutions.

Project type: International

Project duration: 2021-2023

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Project-EU2AI-102517532306286

Funding programme: Erasmus+, KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training